
Peace Naturals Strains & Oils : → Shop

peacenaturalsdirectoryproductimagePeace Naturals Products

We offer a range of therapeutic medicinal Cannabis varieties and Whole Flower cold-water extract Cannabis oils. Our therapeutic Cannabis strains are grown using natural production methods and our premium extracts contain no harmful solvents or byproducts.

At Peace Naturals we believe strongly in the notion of Whole Health living as a method of improving our clients’ overall well being. This approach incorporates diet, lifestyle, wellness professionals and medicinal Cannabis as an adjunct therapy.

We understand that each client has a unique condition requiring their own specific level of support. Our dedication to our clients’ health includes providing them with informed, compassionate and reliable Client Care.

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Peace Naturals Product Page → Shop

The Strains above are only a partial list of their products.  Please visit the Peace Naturals product page to view the full spectrum of products, and for the the most up-to-date information on product availability and pricing.