Procedures For Accessing Legal Medical Marijuana In Canada

Steps to become an authorized ACMPR patient in Canada:

Step 1: Consult with a Health Care Practitioner
Step 2: Obtain a Medical Document from your Health Care Practitioner
Step 3: Register and Order with a Licensed Producer
Step 4: Shipping of your Cannabis for Medical Purposes

Step 1: Consult with a Health Care Practitioner

Treatment decisions are best made in consultation with your health care practitioner.

Under the ACMPR, an authorized health care practitioner includes physicians in all provinces and territories, and nurse practitioners in provinces and territories where supporting cannabis for medical purposes is permitted under their scope of practice.

Or, find doctors who are receptive to prescribing Medical Marijuana at this link

Step 2: Obtain a Medical Document from your Health Care Practitioner

You will need to obtain a medical document from your practitioner.

The following information must be included on the medical document signed and dated by the health care practitioner:

  • your full name;
  • your date of birth;
  • address where you consulted with the practitioner;
  • daily grams of dried marijuana you are authorized to use, the period of use (i.e. number of days, weeks or months), which cannot exceed one year from the date the medical document is signed by the healthcare practitioner;
  • the healthcare practitioner's name and, administrative information (profession, licence number, province of licence, business address, phone number, fax number and email address, if applicable); and
  • an attestation by the healthcare practitioner that the information contained in the document is correct and complete.

Step 3: Register and Order with a Licensed Producer

Once you have obtained a medical document from your authorized healthcare practitioner, you can register as a client with the licensed producer of your choice. To register, you will need to submit certain information, including the original medical document. Please contact the licensed producer for further information regarding application requirements.

After registering as a client, you will be able to order cannabis for medical purposes from the licensed producer.

Do not send your medical document to Health Canada

Step 4: Shipping of your Cannabis for Medical Purposes

Your cannabis will be sent to you directly by the licensed producer. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) prohibits possession, trafficking, import and export, and production of controlled substances, including marijuana, unless authorized by regulations. Neither the ACMPR nor any other Health Canada regulations authorize licensed producers to provide cannabis for medical purposes through a storefront.

Possession of Cannabis for Medical Purposes:

The amount of dried marijuana you can possess is the lesser of thirty times the daily amount stipulated by your healthcare practitioner or 150 grams. For example, if your healthcare practitioner recommends 3 grams per day, you would be allowed a maximum of 90 grams at any one time (30 days × 3 grams). However, if your healthcare practitioner recommends 6 grams per day, you would be allowed to possess a maximum of 150 grams at any one time, which would therefore be less than a 30-day supply.

Showing Proof of Legal Possession of Cannabis for Medical Purposes:

If asked by law enforcement, you can demonstrate that you are in legal possession of cannabis for medical purposes obtained from a licensed producer by showing either the label on the package containing your specific client information or the separate document containing the same information which accompanied your shipment of cannabis.

Helpful Links for Accessing Cannabis for Medical Purposes:

Useful Links to Better Understand the ACMPR Regulations:




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