
  • 1897

Tweed and our sister company Tweed Farms are wholly owned subsidiaries of Canopy Growth Corporation, traded on the TSX Venture Exchange as CGC. We are a Canadian company licensed under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations. We strive to supply a wide selection of marijuana, as diverse as the patients who trust us with their patronage.

Canopy Growth Corporation is the first multi-licensed, geographically diverse marijuana producer in Canada. Marijuana is a unique plant, some strains are grown better indoors while others react very well to natural sunlight. The ability to grow an array of marijuana is important for our customers, and operating multiple facilities allows us to do so easily and more efficiently.

1 hershey Drive

1 Hershey Drive in Smiths Falls, Ontario consists of eight buildings representing over 470,000 square feet of manufacturing and distributing space situated on approximately 39.6 acres of land.

Tweed’s operations occupy 180,000 square feet of this space, 168,000 of which is licensed for marijuana production.

The site was originally selected by the Hershey Company in the early 1960s to be its first plant outside of Hershey, Pennsylvania. It is said that Smiths Falls was chosen because of the plentiful supply of milk and water, as well as its ideal position between Toronto and Montreal and access to important transportation infrastructure, an advantage Tweed continues to enjoy today.

Contact Us:

phone: 1 855 558 9333
Secure Fax: 888-977-2595

1 Hershey Drive,
Smiths Falls, Ontario
