THC Biomed

  • 2003

THC BioMed is an organization strategically located in beautiful Kelowna, BC that is devoted to Research & Development, plant innovation and life sciences, with the emphasis on Medical Cannabis.

The inception of THC BioMed began humbly in 2012, under the name THC Medical Systems Ltd, when an application to conduct Research & Development was filed at the end of 2012. In August 2013, THC Medical Systems was granted an Exemption 56 from Health Canada, to conduct Research & Development for scientific purposes with medicinal Cannabis. 

As we transition from THC Medical Systems Ltd to THC BioMed, transparency, integrity and regulatory compliance remain our focus. Conformity to not only Health Canada standards, but also on a local level, with the City of Kelowna bylaws, reinforces our commitment to the current MMPR structure, where we are acting as a support role.

The THC companies are proud to be part of the establishment of this new emerging industry, as such; we further pledge to be socially and environmentally responsible. We conduct our business in an ethical manner and continue to monitor and improve upon any social, or environmental impacts this business may potentially cause society in general.

With Medical Cannabis being a burgeoning industry, it is imperative that substantiated scientific data and evidence is brought to the forefront, delivering educational knowledge to break down the barriers, where only anecdotal information survived before.

By providing scientific and biotechnological support services to a target demographic that includes current and potential licensed producers under the MMPR, we are able to strengthen the current regulated standards, while helping to establish a robust and safe source of medical marihuana.

Our team brings a multitude of qualifications and experience to the table, granting us the capacity to remain one of the only companies to perform onsite analytical testing within our facility. Our staff will be happy to assist with any of the services and technologies we provide:

Seeds R Us
Providing accessibility to any genetic variety with guaranteed consistency.

Streamlining the growth cycle through fully customizable and unique product selection, at any growth stage, for every client.

Product Testing
Building trust through accredited standardized quality and dependable, precise results.

Research & Development
Providing innovative growth and harvest information, based on validated and reproducible, scientific data.

Offering a variety of specialized solutions through our qualifications and experience

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 20033
Town Centre
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Toll Free:
