Centurion Pro Solutions
Many people would say that the most labor intensive step in the production of cannabis is the harvest and all would agree that its the most tedious. With the rise in popularity of trimming machine in the market there has been a large interest from consumers to see quantitative numbers on trimming times and weights. Unfortunately, this interest has often been answered by mis-informed and misspelled forum posts by those with little experience with trimming machines. This article aims to provide clear information for your comparison purposes and to show how using a trimming machine to harvest can save you valuable time and money. For this article we will be using the CenturionPro Mini as an example because it is easily one of the most popular and versatile machines on the market.

Trimming machine rates for the CenturionPro Mini being run by two people for eight hours.
Trimming machines are ready to go at the push of a button which means no more motivating crews of people to get started in the morning with coffee and donuts. Along those same lines machines don’t need food or long lunch breaks, as long as you can buck the stalks fast enough the machine will continue to process at a steady rate for up to 4 hours. After 4 hours of unit run time it’s suggested that the machine be disconnected from power and lightly cleaned before restarting operation.
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1 855 535 0558
A dedicated team provides timely and effective support for any of your questions and enquiries. techsupport@cprosolutions.com