Cannevert Therapeutics

  • 1405

We at Cannevert aim to use our extensive clinical and scientific expertise to become an industry leader for medical cannabis research. Our vision is to shed light on the medical potential of cannabis by establishing a sound scientific basis for its therapeutic use – research that is essential to drafting rational and effective cannabis legislation. Ultimately, we aim to create new cannabis cultivars with indications for specific diseases as well as chronic conditions such as pain and nausea.

Cannevert Therapeutics, Ltd. has its office at the Gerald McGavin building which is owned by UBC Property Trust as an independent incubator site. Cannevert was established for the specific purpose of releasing the therapeutic potential of different cannabis cultivars in a clear, systematic and scientific manner. The company was founded by and consists of a group of academic scientists, some of whom are emeritus professors of pharmacology and anaesthesiology at UBC, experienced PhD scientists, and technical personnel. All are committed to the above specific goal. The various members of the team have a range of expertise, covering a wide area of relevant experience from many aspects of chemistry, to pharmacology, clinical expertise and clinical trials. As an indication of their academic expertise, many have spent years as professors at UBC, principally in the Medical Faculty. Several members also have extensive experience with starting and running biotech companies, including the public companies, Cardiome Pharma Corp. (CRME –NADSDAQ, COM-TSE) and Verona Pharma PLC (VRP – AIM, London). They have also founded private biotech companies other than Cannevert, including Magic Bullets Enterprises Ltd., ThereExcell Pharma Inc., Pneumolabs UK Ltd. and others – all dedicated to drug discovery. Thus, there is over 150 years of collective experience in drug discovery and drug-related studies that has a direct relationship to the clear and unequivocal avowed goal of Cannevert.

Contact Us:

101 – 2386 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T1Z3
