
  • Posted on in  Clinics
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CannaConnect is Canada’s leading platform for assisting Canadians with their medical cannabis needs in accordance with Health Canada’s Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) program.
We specialize in connecting Canadians suffering from various medical conditions (e.g. PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain) with a trusted network of physicians and licensed cannabis producers.
CannaConnect is dedicated to providing personalized medical cannabis solutions for Canadians to improve quality of life while planting the seeds to a rejuvenated you.

Step 1: Pre-Qualify

Find out if you may qualify using our confidential, no-risk questionnaire – it will only take 60 seconds!

Step 2: Register

If you qualify, automatically register with us and provide your medical history. We would appreciate if you could upload any supporting medical documents if you have them.

Step 3: Connect

Chat or email with a CannaConnect representative who can answer any questions you may have and get you set up with an online appointment with one of our trusted physicians.

Contact Us:


Website: CannaConnect.Ca