Cannabinoid Medical Clinic

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  • 1773

CMClinic is dedicated to helping patients find effective alternate and adjunct treatments for their ailments by  using medical marijuana, educating patients, physicians and the community and advancing research in the prescription cannabinoids and medical marijuana field.

Establish a Center for Excellence in Prescription Cannabinoids and Medical Marijuana:

CMClinic, the first of its kind in Canada, will be the leader in cannabinoid medicine, setting the bar for patient care and knowledge in the field.

Educate Community on Prescription Cannabinoids and Medical Marijuana:

Educate patients, physicians and the community through publications, presentations and seminars to raise awareness of the therapeutic potential of prescription cannabinoids and medical marijuana.

Research Prescription Cannabinoids and Medical Marijuana:

CMClinic will conduct research on the effects of prescription cannabinoids and medical marijuana use to create a critical mass of information and advance research in the field.

Contact Us:

11 Lakeside Terrace, 2nd Floor
Phone: 647.406.4902
Referral Fax: 416.482.3535

8-10 Rowan Street, Suite 206
Phone: 709.700.6481
Referral Fax: 709.700.2648

404-5991 Spring Garden Rd.
Phone: 902.701.2604
Referral Fax: 902.422.3112

1385 Bank Street, Suite 305
Phone: 613.627.2279
Referral Fax: 613.627.2278

1 Eglinton Ave. E, Unit 407
Phone: 647.406.4902
Referral Fax: 416.482.3535

Toll-Free: 1.888.282.7763

Website: CMClinic.Ca